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Overcoming Small Biz Hiring Challenges

As a small business owner, hiring and firing is just one of the many things you have on your plate. Of course, every employer wants to find the perfect fit for their businesses, but easier said than done. In this article, we’ll cover the common challenges that small business owners like yourself face, and how to overcome them. Hiring doesn’t have to be a struggle with these simple solutions. More importantly, protect your business operation with a comprehensive Boston General Liability Insurance package.

Challenge #1: Not finding qualified candidates.

There are two simple solutions to a lack of candidates in your area. First, team up with local colleges and join their job fairs to meet potential new candidates. Or, if you’re looking to fill a specialized position, you can also consider outsourcing and hiring a remote worker who has the skills you’re looking for.

Challenge #2: Gauging the right fit.

It’s impossible to determine how well a new employee will perform after you’ve hired them. However, according to Small Business Trends, you can improve your odds by the following:

- Conducting interviews with multiple people at your business. Have the department manager and immediate supervisor of the position join you in the interview or conduct separate interviews. Once a candidate is on your shortlist, have them meet other members of the department they’ll be joining; that way, you can get everyone’s impressions and feedback before you make a job offer.
- Give pre-employment tests. You can find companies that provide skills or personality tests, or create a test of your own to really hone in on employees with the exact skills you want.

Challenge #3: Not having time to find

As we mentioned earlier, entrepreneurs have a lot on their plates every day. However, you can’t be expected to do everything yourself, which is why delegating is a must. Consider the following tips:

- Delegate sourcing candidates to another employee.
- Use recruitment software to scan for qualified candidates for you.
- Take your time- filling the position is important, but at what cost to your business long term?

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